Health Department

Siobhan Spano, MS
Health Officer
Michael Carr, MPH, REHS
Director of Environmental Programs
Nick DeLisi, BPH, REHS
Deputy Director of Public Health and Environmental Programs
Dane Dvorak, BS, REHS
Registered Environmental Health Specialist
Christine M. Araco
Office Administrator/Registrar of Vital Statistics
Jacklyn D'Ambrosio
Administrative Assistant, Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics
Paul Scaltro
The Hillsborough Township Health Department’s mission is to provide professional, competent, and financially efficient public health and environmental services to the residents of Hillsborough Township and Millstone Borough.
To achieve this, the Hillsborough Township Health Department will promote healthy behaviors, prevent disease and injury, and protect the health of our residents as per the mandates of the “Public Health Practice Standards of Performance for Local Boards of Health in New Jersey”. We will use disease control and prevention, health promotion and education, inspections and enforcement of health and environmental regulations, and interacting and planning with local partners in order to provide for the public health needs of the Hillsborough community.

Contact Us
Phone: 908-369-5652
Fax: 908-369-8565
379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Department Hours
M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
NJ 211
Dial 2-1-1 or 877-652-1148
Get help with food, housing, transportation, childcare, and more.
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Dial 988
Poison Control
Family Health Line
Information and referral to health screening and treatment services.
Food Recalls
Product Recalls
US Consumer Product Safety Commission
Complaints about Hair/Nail Salons

- Information about the Private Well Testing Act - required when selling or leasing a home with private well
- Hillsborough Private Well Testing Act - Report Summary
- Hillsborough Private Well Testing Act - Full Report

Septic Systems

State of the Climate, 2023
Click the graphic to read the full report
Healthy Eating and Active Living
Healthy Eating

- Choose My Plate
Tools and resources for healthy eating - ShopRite of Hillsborough
Wellness coaching with a Registered Dietician - Farmers Market at Duke Farms
Open seasonally on Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm - Hillsborough Community Assistance Network (Food Pantry)
Food assistance to families with low incomes - WIC
Food assistance, nutrition education, and support for income-eligible women who are pregnant and post-partum, infants, and children up to five years old
Active Living

- Hillsborough Recreation
Local activities and programs - Hillsborough park directory
- Hillsborough YMCA
- AllTrails
Explore nearby trails - Delaware and Raritan Canal (D & R Canal)
70-mile long trail alongside historic canal. Great for walking, running, and biking. - Sourland Mountain Preserve
Hiking, bouldering, and mountain biking.
Mental Health

BoroSAFE is a community collaborative with an aim to provide access to mental health resources, emotional well-being best practices and suicide prevention resources across the entire Hillsborough Community.
Somerset County - PESS (Psychiatric Emergency Screening Services)
Mobile outreach to all those in Somerset County experiencing acute pyschiatric distress. Also provide traumatic incident debriefing.
Richard Hall Community Mental Health Center
Comprehensive community mental health center dedicated to the prevention, early detection, and treatment of mental illness and serious emotional and
Community Programs

We believe that prevention is the key to improving health and reducing disease and deaths in our community. The Hillsborough Township Health Department offers free presentations and educational materials to the community on a variety of topics. We also visit a wide variety of health fairs and other community health promotion events throughout the year.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs - Municipal Alliance
- Cancer Prevention
- Handwashing
- Healthy Eating and Active Living
- Heart Health
- Infection Control
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Stress Management

What vaccines do I need?

About vaccination
Vaccination, or immunization, helps your body make antibodies to fight germs and keep you healthy. These antibodies stay in your body so that when the germ comes again, your body will already know how to fight it.
People of all ages can benefit from vaccines. Being vaccinated protects you, as well as those around you who cannot get vaccinated, such as very young children and people with compromised immune systems.
Where can I get vaccinated?
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. Visit our COVID-19 page to find COVID-19 vaccines in the area.
Infectious Diseases

About infectious diseases
Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by germs such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They enter the body, multiply, and can cause an infection.
Some infectious diseases are contagious (or communicable), which means they spread from one person to another.
Other infectious diseases can be spread by germs carried in air, water, food, or soil. They can also be spread by vectors (like biting insects) or by animals.
Common Infectious Diseases
Flu Prevention
What is flu?
Flu is a contagious respiratory disease caused by a virus. Millions of people get flu every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized, and tens of thousands of people die. Anyone can get severe illness from flu, but some people are at higher risk. This includes people 65 years and older, people of any age with chronic medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), pregnant people, and children younger than 5 years.

How can I prevent flu?
The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against flu is to get a vaccine every year. CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine. Ideally, you should get your vaccine by the end of October, but flu season can last through May so you can still get your vaccine later.
CDC also recommends everyday actions to prevent illness, like staying away from people who are sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and frequent handwashing.
Do I need a flu shot?
The flu vaccine is safe and reduces the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and death. Flu vaccination is especially important for people who are at higher risk of developing serious complications, such as those over 65 and under 2. Also, New Jersey requires all children from age 6 months to 59 months to be vaccinated against the flu each year in order to attend childcare or preschool.

Treatment for flu
Most people with flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. If, however, you have symptoms of flu and are at increased risk for complications, are very sick, or are worried about your illness, contact your health care provider. There are prescription medications called antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness.
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
What is RSV?
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a common virus that usually causes cold-like symptoms. These include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, fever, and decreased appetite. Most people have mild illness, but some people can become very sick. Infants and older adults are more likely to develop severe RSV and need to be hospitalized.
RSV Immunizations
To protect against severe illness, certain people are eligible for immunizations for RSV. Check the chart below and talk to your doctor.
Where Can I Get the RSV Vaccine?
For adults:
Hillsboro Pharmacy 256 US Hwy. 206, Suite 12 908-520-6400 |
CVS Pharmacy 220 Triangle Road (908) 369-1762 |
Amwell Pharmacy 438 US Hwy. 206 908-829-3431 |
Walgreens Pharmacy 706 US Hwy. 206 908-281-6539 |
For Babies:
There is a currently a limited supply of the RSV immunization. Please contact your pediatrician.
How Else Can I Prevent RSV?
- Wash your (and your baby’s) hands often. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available.
- Stay away from people who are sick.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs and cell phones.
- Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands.
- Limit close contact with others, like kissing, hugging, and shaking hands.
- Don’t share cups or eating utensils.
For more information on RSV, please visit the CDC site.
Karen Sowden
Registrar of Vital Statistics
(908) 369-4313 ext. 7121
Christine Araco
Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics
(908) 369-4313 ext 7190

The Vital Statistics Department registers and maintains records of all births, deaths, and marriages / civil unions that occur within Hillsborough Township.
To Order Certified Copies of Marriage, Birth and Death Certificates:
- In Person:
- Complete an application form.
- Call to schedule an appointment: (908) 369-5652. Appointments are available Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. Do not call the office to ask about the availability of vital records. State statute does not allow the office to release any information over the phone.
- Provide ID: Bring your driver’s license/passport, plus proof of relationship, if appropriate.
- By Mail:
- Complete an application form.
- Provide ID: Photocopy your driver’s license/passport with your current address (or proof of current mailing address).
- Include Payment: Check or money order made payable to “Hillsborough Township”. Do not send cash.
- Mail to: Hillsborough Health Department, 379 South Branch Road,Hillsborough, NJ 08844.
- Fees & Payment Options
- $25 - certified copy of birth, marriage or death certificate
- $2 - additional certified copies (of the same certificate)
Eligibility & Genealogical Records
The State Department of Vital Statistics and Registry determines who is eligible to receive a certified copy of a vital record. You need to identify the record and provide proof of your identity, current residence and, if appropriate, your relationship to the person listed on the vital record you are requesting. If your last name on your driver’s license is different from your last name on the birth certificate, please include a copy of your marriage certificate.
Genealogical records for research on family ancestry are available from the State Department of Vital Statistics and Registry.
Marriage License Applications
Appointments are required. Call 908-369-5652 to make an appointment with the Registrar in the Health Department. After the application is made, there is a 72-hour waiting period before the license can be issued. The application must be made in the municipality in which either applicant lives. If neither applicant is a New Jersey resident, the application must be made in the municipality where the ceremony will take place. The license is valid only in the issuing municipality. The municipality that you apply in, and the municipality that you get married in, must be “incorporated” municipalities in New Jersey. That means that they must have a physical address of a municipal building for the area.
When you come to the appointment, you must bring:
- One witness over the age of 18 (it can be a relative)
- The Marriage License Application (Spanish)
- Documents that establish both applicants’ identity, age, gender, residency, and Social Security number (if a U.S. resident)
Applicants must know:
- Their mothers’ maiden names
- The State or Country their parents were born in
- The name and address of the person who will perform the ceremony
- The date of the ceremony
- The municipality where the ceremony will take place
If you are divorced, have had a previous civil union dissolved, domestic partnership terminated or have had a civil union annulled, please bring the documents. If your former spouse/partner is deceased, please bring the death certificate. Any documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation.
There will be a $28.00 fee for the license at the time of application (cash or check). Checks should be made payable to Hillsborough Township. NOTE: The fee is currently waived through June 30, 2023.
For more information regarding entering into a marriage or civil union, please refer to this brochure from the New Jersey Department of Health Office of Vital Statistics and Registry.
Vacant and Abandoned Properties
In order to protect the public health, safety, morals and welfare of residents, Hillsborough Township has established minimum standards governing the maintenance, appearance and condition of vacant and abandoned properties.
The responsible party for a vacant and abandoned residential property shall file a certificate of registration with the Township Clerk within 90 days after receipt of notice, pursuant to § 232-14, that the property has been determined to be vacant and abandoned, or within 30 days after the responsible party assumes ownership of or responsibility for a property already determined to be vacant and abandoned, whichever is later. A certificate of registration shall remain valid for one year from the date of issuance and shall be renewed on an annual basis if the property remains vacant and abandoned.
For more information, please refer to the Township Code:
Chapter 232, Article II: Vacant and Abandoned Residential Properties

Important Phone Numbers
Animal Control Solutions: 908-722-1271
(stray cats and dogs, wildlife problem, animal attack)
Hillsborough Police: 908-369-4323
(animal cruelty, wildlife problem, animal attack)
Health Department: 908-369-5652
(animal attack)
Animal Laws and Links
- Chapter 117: Article 1, “Animals Running At Large”
- Chapter 117: Article II, “Dog Control”
- Chapter 117: Article III, “Licensing of Dogs; Dog Warden”
- Chapter 117: Article IV "Leash Free Dog Area"
- Chapter 300 Animals: Board of Health powers, Animal control authority, Vaccination of Cats, Pet Waste
- Chapter 315: Kennels and Pet Shops
- Chapter 224: Animal Fighting
- Chapter 221-7: Domestic Animals in Parks
- Chapter 183: Hunting and Wildlife Management.
- Vicious and Dangerous Dogs
- Guide to Prevention of Animal Cruelty Laws
- NJ 4:22-17 Cruelty; certain acts, crime; degrees
- NJ 2:22-26 Penalties for various acts constituting cruelty
- Animal Welfare
Dog Licenses

Please be a responsible dog owner and license your dog.
Dogs over 7 months of age must be licensed every year. The annual dog license is required by NJ law and Hillsborough Township Ordinance.
Why is it important to license your dog?
- Annual licensing reminds you to keep your dog up to date with rabies vaccination.
Rabies is deadly, and the virus has been found in wild animals in New Jersey. Any contact with a wild mammal could put your dog at risk of rabies. If your dog is not up to date with rabies vaccination, and is exposed to a possibly rabid animal, consequences could include long-term observation, strict quarantine, or even euthanasia. - License tags help people find you if your dog is lost.
- If your dog is involved in a biting a human or fighting with another pet, the license information can be given to the victim or police to show that your dog has a current rabies vaccination.
- All of the money collected from licensing goes to spay/neuter clinics, rescue shelters, and animal control.
*You must celect SIGN IN or SIGN UP to view the registration form
To get a license, your dog must have a current rabies vaccine that lasts through at least 10 months of the licensing year. This means that your dog’s rabies vaccine must be current until October 31st of the current year, or your dog will need a booster rabies vaccine. Please ask your vet if you have any questions.

Rabies Information
Quit Smoking/Vaping
There are a variety of free resources available to those who want to quit nicotine and tobacco consumption.